Tuesday, December 14, 2010

No Toy Story pg 2 & 15 12/14-12/16

Does including toys with fast-food meals tempt kids to eat unhealthy foods? Explain your answer in 2-3 complete sentences.

Secrets of the Sea pg 4-5 Vol. 79 # 10 & 11 12/14-12/16

Read the story on pages 4 & 5 and summarize it in two sentences using the 5W's and 1 H ( who, what, when, where, why, and how)method.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Landform Project

Landform Project
Due Date: December 14, 2010
Landform Project

Directions: Each individual/team will be responsible for making five 5 different 3-D landform models. Materials should be varied (clay, mud, rock, play-doh,etc...). All models should be able to fit together into a box lid. You are also required to write a paragraph about each of your landforms. Your paragraph should be a description of a famous landform.
Example: Mountain:
Mount Everest, also called Sagarmatha or Chomolungma, Qomolangma or Zhumulangma is the highest mountain on Earth. As measured by the height of its summit above sea level, which is 8,848 metres (29,029 ft). The mountain, which is part of the Himalaya range in High Asia, is located on the border between Sagarmatha Zone, Nepal, and Tibet, China. The highest mountain in the world attracts climbers of all levels, from well experienced mountaineers to novice climbers. Climbers are a significant source of tourist revenue for Nepal, whose government also requires all prospective climbers to obtain an expensive permit, costing up to $25,000 per person.

All work must be typed or neatly printed. All students are expected to be active, contributing team members.

Rating Scale: The number in ( ) is the maximum number of extra credit points possible.
Landform Project (Group/Individual Performance)

1. Is based on scientific principles and good science. (5) _____
2. Met all the criteria on the check-list. (3) _____
3. Uses materials appropriately, carefully, and creatively. (3) _____
4. Landforms are realistic looking (no pink mountains). (2) _____
5. Is completed on time. (1) _____
Individual Oral Presentation
6. Stayed on topic during presentation. (6) _____
7. Shows knowledge of the landform that they are presenting. (5) _____
8. Displayed cooperative spirit, treated teammates with respect. (5) _____

Total Points Grading Rubric

26 - 30
Excellent work throughout, exceeding all requirements. Project clearly demonstrates understanding of scientific principles; shows extra effort and originality. Student is enthusiastic team player; shows leadership and respect for others; facilitates group interaction; contributes fair share of workload.

21- 25
Project meets or exceeds minimum requirements; accurately represents scientific principles; may show extra effort or creativity. Student is cooperative team member; contributes fair share of workload.

16 - 20
Project meets minimum requirements with few errors, but shows no special effort or creativity. Student is generally cooperative team member; contributes fair share of workload.

11 - 15
Work unacceptable; does not achieve minimum standards, contains significant errors, and/or is incomplete. Student is sometimes uncooperative; contributes less than fair share of workload; does not use time wisely.

0 - 10
Project not submitted or shows no honest effort to meet requirements. Student is disruptive or uncooperative.

Check-List for Landforms Project:
o Who: You or up to 3 teammates for this project with whom you have not worked with before. Discuss the various landforms together. Who will do what, how will the work be divided?
o Making Decisions: Choose the landforms that you will be responsible for creating.
o Materials: Discuss what materials you/ your group will use.
o Pictures: Find several pictures of your landforms and bring into class, when presenting project.
o Landform Work: Design and create landforms.
o Written Work: Type or print a one-paragraph description of each landform.
-You may write NEATLY on an index card.
o Team Work: Communicate well with teammates. Are you doing your fair share? YOU CAN NOT CHANGE OR REORGANIZE YOUR GROUPS!!!!!
o Presentation: Practice presentation strategies with teammates. Make us want to learn more about your landform models! As a team ready to present your work before your classmates

Extra Resources
Types of Landforms
*Mountains *Volcanoes * Sea * Desert * Plain *Lake /River * Island * Valley/ Canyon *Plateau * Butte

Materials Suggested: • Flour *Salt * Paint * Paint brushes *Tooth picks *Sand *RocksPaint.
Buy the correct color paint or use food coloring in the dough.
• Blue, for rivers and sea
• Brown, for top of mountains
• Green, for land
• White, if you want snow capped mountains
• Red for lava. Also use red seed beads or red glitter glue.
Salt Dough Recipe
2 cups white flour
1 cup salt
1 cup boiling water
3 teaspoons of vegetable oil
Mix flour and salt Add boiling water and oil. Stir with a spoon. Knead (mold) when it is cool. Store unused dough in a sealed plastic bag in the refrigerator, when not in use. Let it warm to room temperature before using it. Take only what you need and leave it in a sealed container when you are making your project. If mixture is not sticky like play-doh you may need to add more flour.
You need to have an adult present, when making the dough.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Free Choice v.79 # 4 10/6-10/11

Pick a story that interest you in the magazine and read it. Write a brief 3-4 sentence summary about the story and why you picked it.

Amazon Adventure Pg 4-5 vol. 79 #3 10/6-10/11

1. What do you think can be done to save th Amazon rain forest?
2. Why do you think it is important for people like Ed Stafford to blog about this issue?

Your responses must be at least 2-3 sentences long.

You must get a copy of this journal out of the extra worksheet bin!!!

Intruder Alert pg 4-5 v. 79 # 5 10/6-10/11

In the story there is a problem and a solution.

I need for to:
1. Identify the Problem
2. Identify the Solution (Hint: There are 3 solutions)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Scholastic News v.79 #2 9/24-10/1

Reasd cover story: " Supreme Court Cases" pages 4-5. Answer the following question in at least 4 complete sentences.

What qualities do you think a person needs to be a good Supreme Court Justice? Why?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Crisis in the Gulf pg 4 & 5 vol.73/79 9/8-9/15

What were some of the ways that the oil spill hurt the Gulf Coast?

What do yo think can or should be done to help the ecosystem?

**You must responsed to EACH question with at least 3 complete sentences!

Extra Credit

1. Posting-All posts (click on the comment link) made (with your name clearly listed) that are at LEAST two complete sentences long will receive up to THREE points of Extra Credit (limited to two post per week).
**Make sure that you are posting on articles that you want the extra credit for in that subject.**
Example: How is the troubled economy affecting you? , this would be extra credit in social studies.
**Blogging is for students only!!!**

2. Become a Follower-If you have a google account you can become a follower of the website. Sign into your google account and add this blog and you will become a follower. This will allow you to get email updates about each new post. All students will get FIVE points of extra credit.

(Please ask your parent's for permission, before opening up a googgle account.)

Let your parents know about this, and you can receive an additional THREE points of extra credit for them becoming followers as well!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

STAAR Review

http://www.engagingscience.org/games/onlinegames/games.html <-- Its Just a Phase/What a Mouthful/This is Your Live/Currant Affairs/Make a Note


Living Science:
  • food chains
  • helping plants grow well
  • life cycles
  • moving and growing
  • plants and animals in the local environment
  • variation
  • changing states
  • gases, liquids, and solids
  • reversible and irreversible changes
Physical Processes:
  • changing circuits
  • changing sounds
  • circuits and conductors
  • earth, sun, and moon
  • how we see things
  • forces in auction
  • friction
  • light and dark
  • light and shadows
  • magnet and springs
Make sure that you do the activity-->revision bite---> quiz in order.

TAKS Review Websites

<-- Its Just a Phase/What a Mouthful/This is Your Live/Currant Affairs/Make a Note

Living Science:

food chains
helping plants grow well
life cycles
moving and growing
plants and animals in the local environment

changing states
gases, liquids, and solids
reversible and irreversible changes
Physical Processes:

changing circuits
changing sounds
circuits and conductors
earth, sun, and moon
how we see things
forces in auction
light and dark
light and shadows
magnet and springs
Make sure that you do the activity-->revision bite---> quiz in order.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Getting the Vote pg. 6 #18 3/29-4/5

Why do you think it took 72 years of protesting before the 19th Amendment was added to the Constitution?

You must respond with at least 4 complete sentences!!!

Radical Robots v. 78 # 17 3/29-4/5

What would be some pros and cons of robots replacing human at jobs in today's economy?

You must respond with at least 4 complete sentences!!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Learned Behavior

Post pictures of any living organism that shows a learned behavior.

In order for me to post your picture, you must copy and paste the websites link into the comment section.

Example: http://www.sportserve.co.uk/pics/Youth-Basketball-Drills.gif

Inherited Traits

Post pictures of any living organism that shows its inherited traits.

You must have a picture of the parent and the offspring (example child, baby).

In order for me to post your picture, you must copy and paste the websites link into the comment section.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Higher Order of Thinking

Fruits and vegetables were put on Earth for humans to eat. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?

3-4 sentences

Higher Order of Thinking 1/28-2/4

Are you more like a rosebush, and oak tree, a sunflower, or ivy? Describe.

You must write two to three complete sentences.

Sleeping Giants Vol.78 No.11 1/28-2/4

Read Sleeping Giants on page 6.

Rhyolite is an igneous rock, one of three types of rocks. The other two types are metamorphic and sedimentary. You must use the Internet to learn about the three rock types. Then list the main characteristics of each type.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2009: Year in Review v. 78 # 1/28-2/4

Read: THE YEAR THAT WAS on pages 4 & 5, and respond to the question below (2-3 complete sentence).

What do you think was the biggest news story of 2009? Why?