Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Higher Level Thinking Question

Every year millions of trees are cut down and used for Christmas trees for a few weeks, then left to die. Do you think that is okay? Is there an alternative?

4-5 complete sentences!!

Inspiring Steps V. 78 # 9 pg 4-5 10/8-10/14

Think of an issue in your community and create a list of concrete things you can do to help improve the situation.

4-6 complete sentences!!

Please list what subject you would like for your extra credit to be applied to.

Inspiring Steps V. 78 # 9 pg 4-5 10/8-10/14

Read Inspiring Steps pages 4-5 and answer the following question.

Zach walks to raise awareness of homelessness among kids. In what other ways can attention be brought to a cause?

3-4 complete sentences!!!

Melting Away pages 4-5 V.78 # 10

Read Melting Away pages 4-5 and answer the following question.

What are some other reasons a warming world could be harmful?

2-3 complete senctence!!!