Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Intruder Alert pg 4-5 v. 79 # 5 10/6-10/11

In the story there is a problem and a solution.

I need for to:
1. Identify the Problem
2. Identify the Solution (Hint: There are 3 solutions)


  1. THE PROBLEM = The problem is the Asian carp are eating the smaller fish,and causing injuries from hitting boater and damaging the boats.
    THE SOLUTIONS = They use big net to wipe out large number of carp.They pour harmful chemicals into a river that connects to the canal.Also in 2002 officials built two electric barrier in a canal that connect the Illinois River to lake Michigan.

  2. 1. Asian carp are invasive species that are reaching the great lakes through connecting water waves.
    2. Fisherman are using big nets to fish out large numbers of carp to reduce the risk of the fish reaching the great lakes. The government built two electric barriers in a canal and a third one will be finished later this month. The barriers send out electric pulses that startle and turn back fish. Officials also poured harmful chemicals into the river that connects to the canal.
